Tuesday 27 December 2011


I have brewed a few whole grain batches and built a lot of beer making equipment in the past but now I am just dipping my toe back in with am emphasis on easy :)

B-ale (Basic ale)

6lb triple malt (2lb per gallon)
Strike water temp: 168F
Mash temp: 156F
Mash time : 70min

Hops: 1.5 oz garden hops at 30min (no idea how strong they are so a rough guess)

O.G: 1.050

Used a home made grain bag and a home made hop bag, and both worked well. I did a mash with about 3Gal, then sparged over the hop bag to about 3Gal for boil.

Took ages to cool, and didn't wait till the full 80F.

Next time:

  • Will try using sterile ice, prepared in advance to cool it faster. 
  • Also try adding some honey for flavour and sugar.

Will pitch the yeast tomorrow...
..pitched Nottingham yeast.